lundi 29 octobre 2007

A Stormtrooper symphony

(little jumping Darth)

Comme quoi on peut juste pas s'empêcher des fois

ScienceDaily (Oct. 29, 2007) — A research project carried out by a University of Hertfordshire academic has found that thought suppression can lead people to engage in the very behaviour they are trying to avoid.

(thank you Mr. Lavey)

mardi 23 octobre 2007

Gays 'n Tights

From a list of homosexual comic-book characters and their fates. The list was compiled by Perry Moore, the author of Hero, a young-adult novel about a gay teenage superhero, published by Hyperion.

AMAZON: crippled, made a supervillain terrorist, electrocuted
APOLLO: gang-raped
BATWOMAN: revealed as a closeted lesbian, kidnapped, tortured; stabbed herself through the stomach with a sword
BLARNEY COCK: disemboweled, whereupon a gerbil crawled out of his anus
BLOKE: killed on first mission
NED CAMPBELL: slashed into bits after his wife finds him having sex with a male lover
CAPTAIN POWER: disfigured by an explosion, driven to insanity, murder
CHAIN: dead
KAROLINA DEAN, HULKING, & WICCAN: tortured while straight teammates were not
DESTROYER: in the closet
FRENCHIE DUCHAMP: alcoholic, double-amputee; beaten nearly to death with his prosthetic leg
ELECTRO: realized he was a homosexual after a lengthy stint in prison
EL EXTRANO, “THE STRANGE ONE”: attacked by an AIDS vampire
FAUNA: dead
FREEDOM RING: finger sliced off; impaled on twenty-eight spikes, including one through the groin and anus
GREEN ARROW II/CONNOR HAWKE: made retroactively heterosexual
HOODED JUSTICE: murdered by teammate
ICE: murdered, last seen in hell
JARVIS: shot through the head, dead
JERICHO: impaled on his father’s sword
JETMAN: blackmailed by a villain who threatens to out him
KARMA: raped as a child, kidnapped, disfigured; later reappears but is too fat to move on her own
WALTER KASKO: killed in a botched gang-slaying
MADAME FATAL: dead; his funeral, attended by drag queens, is mocked
MIDNIGHTER: heart ripped out
MONSIEUR MALLAH & THE BRAIN: sadistic gorilla and disembodied brain in a jar; searching for a body for the Brain so they can consummate their love
MOONDRAGON: kidnapped, ear ripped off by a villain who makes her girlfriend deliver it to Moondragon’s father as a ransom note
NORTHSTAR: killed in three different realities, resurrected as a zombie assassin
OBSIDIAN: depowered, corrupted by his sexual strife, manipulated by dark forces, thwarted in an attempt to destroy the world, made a security guard for a team of heterosexual superheroes but not allowed to sit with them at the table
PHAT: dead
PIED PIPER: parents murdered by teammate
RAWHIDE KID: revealed he was only pretending to be gay
ROBIN: exposed as a villain; explained that his turn to the dark side was due to his unrequited love for Batman
SHATTERSTAR: rewritten as a heterosexual
SHOUT OUT: thumbs ripped off
SILHOUETTE: murdered, along with her lover, after being outed
ULTIMATE NORTHSTAR: shot at point-blank range, left to die
WING: admitted crush to his mentor, who broke his arm and beat him; given a check for $750,000 and forced to leave his superhero group in dishonor


Voici le premier sketch pour SURVIVAL ! projet collaboratif entre moi et le BDiste Simon Banville (créateur d'ASYMPTOTE)

autres projets sur lesquels je travaille (a venir)
VOODOO (avec Laure Anne L)
Play, a play (solo)
et un autre projet innommable pour l'instant avec SEBA de Gatineau

PTV loss

“Lady Jaye Breyer P-Orridge died suddenly on Tuesday 9th October 2007 at home in Brooklyn, New York from a previously undiagnosed heart condition which is thought to have been connected with her long-term battle with stomach cancer. Lady Jaye collapsed and died in the arms of her heartbroken 'other half' Genesis Breyer P-Orridge.”


Cette nouvelle arrive peut-être un peu en retard mais elle vaut quand même le temps d'être postée. Jane et Genesis étaient un couple fabuleux, notorieux et courageux. Leur amour était un amour transcendental. Pourquoi je dit ceci ? C'est parce que ce couple s'était embarqué dans une avanture pour être les représentants humains de la pensée philosophique Platonicienne de l'adrogynie. En fait, ce couple était dans leurs dernières opérations près de devenir le parfait hybride male/femelle. Genesis, né masculin, se féminisait et Jane, née féminine, se masculinisait. Ils tentais de devenir l'union parfaite des sexes. Tristement, on apprends que Jane serait morte au début du mois, laissant cette magnifique histoire d'amour qu'un autre souvenir dans les annales. Comme un oiseau sans sa compagne, Genesis chante maintenant seul.

Fake F. Foly

J'apprends aujourd'hui que les newsletter de Fake F. Foly serons maintenant discontinués. L'effort initial de ce blogger était de démontrer la circularité du temps et de l'humanité chose auquel je crois fortement. Son dernier post :


Pour le prochian film d'ASTRO

de la même compagnie de production qui nous à fait TMNT (oui, je vais le regarder au plus sacrant...)


jeudi 11 octobre 2007


aw shit

"Six months after the death of Steve Rogers captured national attention, Marvel is proud to unveil the new Captain America as designed by renowned, award winning artist Alex Ross! This bold new look, seen here for the first time, also serves as the variant cover to January’s Captain America #34, featuring the first appearance of this new Captain America! After the death of Steve Rogers, and the climactic events of Captain America #33, there must be a new Sentinel of Liberty and now Ross, one of the industry’s most renowned artists, has created a dynamic new look for the seminal hero."

If he says it then it must be true

"Cinema's death date was in 1983, when the remote control was introduced to the living room" -Peter Greenaway

mercredi 10 octobre 2007

Make your own consipiracy

Je commence cette semaine à mettre en place les pièces pour une nouvelle émission de radio à CHOQ.FM qui se nommera FNORD et qui traitera de toutes les théories de conspirations possibles. En effectuant ma recherche je tombe sur MAKE YOUR OWN CONSPIRACY THEORY.

voici ce qu'ils me révèlent :

What They Don't Want You to Know

In order to understand the great transformation of 2012 you need to realize that everything is controlled by a Discordians made up of dave chapelle with help from video store clerks.

The conspiracy first started during Ragnarok in Sweeden. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including the french revolution.

Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by talking on a cellular phone.

They want to defenestrate Richard Nixon and imprison resisters in Cuba using buses.

In order to prepare for this, we all must kill ourselves. Since the media is controlled by Earth First we should get our information from God.


je le savais depuis si longtemps, tout ce que je désirais c'était une confirmation que mes peurs étaient vraies.....

lundi 1 octobre 2007

Votre moment MAGNETO

Parce que l'halloween s'en vient, préparez vos bonne idées costume...

Just leave him alone