Bon, j'ai terminé ma proposition pour le colloque sur Whedon qui va avoir lieu à Cincinatti en Octobre. C'est pas que j'ai un projet de recherche sur lui, ni que j'ai plein de trucs à dire sur son oeuvre que j'aime beaucoup mais plutôt parce que j'ai vu l'appel de communications passer sur un site et je me suis dit qu'il valait quand-même la peine que j'essaie question de ne pas répéter mes regrets concernant le MorrisonCon de 2010 (2011?).
Bon, le voici, je l'aime bien mais je suis certain qu'a vous tous (chers 3 lecteurs) vous allez trouver quelque chose qui cloche ou que je devrais rephraser. 250 mots c'est pas beaucoup.
Donc, be kind and comment, siouxplait
« I
don’t think you were expecting that » how convention becomes meta-commentary.
Whedonites know what to expect when you begin to feel attachment to one of his characters.
Fearing the worst most people resist by passing on the advice that one should
not get too involved least you are prepared to feel heartbreak. As it is the case with beloved character’s
deaths many people equate Whedon’s tendency to kill as viciousness as others
see it as an expression of affection for the deceased character. One thing is certain;
Whedon uses death in a way to make us understand our feelings for the character,
for the series and in the end , for the genre we are visiting. What we would
like to explore is how certain recurring writing habits of Whedon’s are now understood
not as shortcuts but as meta-commentaries on pop culture scenarios. Thus what would become a storytelling shocker
can sometimes be an informed comment about the conventions of writing serially
and a new approach to decoding these conventions. Tropes become active elements
in storytelling becoming semiotic in their presence and thus transformed into
meta-commentaries. Whedon has simultaneously infused many elements of
metafiction (breaking the fourth wall, mise-en-abyme...etc.)
in his work making his average viewer well informed in the arts of that
practice. In many ways, viewers and readers now tend to see many dimensions to
events, may they be editorial, creative or biographic. What happens in the
Whedonverse often holds many meanings and to each meaning a way of deciphering the
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