jeudi 27 mai 2010


I saw a man in the metro station, maybe a homeless man, I’ll never know, but he was giving out cell-phones, laying them on people, handing them politely. He wouldn’t cause any trouble, he didn’t mean any harm, he just stood there calmly handing out these luxurious objects as if they were worthless thus teaching us all a valuable lesson. On the other side, through his eyes I could not see myself; I could only see them, and their common reactions. I had the resurrector in my ears, blazing words of love and hate. I would’ve liked for him to be next to me, ii would’ve liked meeting him.

Ce film

...entièrement fait en images de synthèse.

The Third & The Seventh from Alex Roman on Vimeo.

D'Alex Roman

...fait resurgir toutes les questions possibles et imaginables entre le véritable et le synthétique en art. vais passer la journée la-dessus.
